5 Tips for Happy Hiking with Your Dog

How many of you love hiking? I, for one, love going out on a warm day and getting such an awesome opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature. You know who else likes to be outside and hang out with you? Your dog!! I take my dog, Max, on all of my hikes and we have an absolute blast together without fail.

However, if you're not used to taking your fur friend out on the trails with you check out these reminders and tips to make sure both of you have a good time!

1. Invest in a good harness!

I personally, love my 5280 Dog harness and leash. The set cost about $50 and is worth every penny. Max is an explorer on a trail so he loves to jump and climb so wearing a collar isn't the best option because if he over steps the leash length the collar will jerk him back down by his neck which is dangerous. By wearing a harness if he over extends that leash distance he can usually maintain his balance to avoid falling long enough for me to help him or catch up to him to avoid falling! It's also good to have a leash that he can walk ahead or behind me without pulling but also isn't so far away to get the leash tangled.

2. Bring water and snacks for you and your dog.

If you go on a long hike you bring yourself water and snacks, right? Your dog gets hot, tired, and thirsty too so make sure you have water for him or her! This is, honestly, just as important if not more, than investing a good leash. Get a portable water bowl for your dog so that you don't to depend on their ability to drink out of a water bottle. My favorite portable water bowl is by Outward Hound and is made of a polyester fabric and while it does not leak, it does dry quickly and is able to fold down into a small piece that is really easy to pack.

3. Make sure your dog is up to the challenge

Just like people, dogs can get out of shape just as easily. Before you start out on that 12 mile hike through that mountain you've been dying to visit with your dog make sure he or she is prepared. Start with walks/runs around the neighborhood as often as possible or make sure they have lots of outside run time. Just like you, your dog could get hurt if you take them out before they're ready.

4. Let your dog set his own pace

If you believe your dog is ready for a big hike then go for it! Pay close attention though to the body language and actions of your dog. If you are unfamiliar with doggie body language read up on it before you go. Your dog will tell you if he or she needs a break, you just have to know when they tell you. Since dogs aim to please if you don't pay attention they will just keep going which could cause injury. Max is in pretty decent shape and can run and hike with me all day long but one day in particular was very hot and the trail was longer than I thought it was and he stopped dead center in the trail and I knew I couldn't ask him to continue right then so we stopped and sat down, had some water and he caught his breath. A few minutes later he was up and at em' looking back at me ready for me to get up too.

5. Let your dog explore and grow your relationship as a team

Last, but certainly not least, let your dog have fun! I don't know about you but Max is my buddy, taking him hiking is not just for protection but I enjoy his company! He loves to explore, jump and climb too so I have to make sure we don't just stick to walking a trail and stopping on occasion to snap a picture. Having that time with your dog where he or she knows you are there to have fun together will strengthen your bond more than anything else.

Happy Hiking!


  1. This is SOO important!! Too many people don't think about what is important for your dog when going on a big hike. I have never heard of the harness but will look it up! Thanks for the tips!

    1. Yes, exactly! You should check out the harness! I love mine, I use it all the time.


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